Maintaining a Writing Schedule During a Move

It’s been a while since I posted as we we were getting ready for a big move. During all the craziness of making plane reservations, hiring movers, making hotel reservations and packing, I’ve also been busy reading the proof of Unison, going through the remarks my editor made on Jessie’s Song, and working on my manuscript, Forever Valley.  I also recently wrote an article for the Visionary Fiction Alliance about the Babylon 5 series. You can check it out here.  I’ve pushed myself hard this month and what’s amazing to me is that I managed to maintain my writing schedule…even though we’re still in between addresses. Am I nuts to do all this?  Most people might think so, but for me, my writing is what keeps me sane, along with mindful awareness meditation.

The room here is small and my daughters are loud, so when I work on my manuscript, I either go to a cafe or one of the libraries here.  I homeschool my daughters, and I bring them along when they need computer time. I enjoy discovering libraries in  new locations, and so far, my favorite one on Maui is the Wailuku branch.  The building was constructed in 1928 and is beautifully restored. It’s a pleasure to work on my Macbook in this classic environment. Perhaps the inspiration I capture here will lead me to write a classic of my own!

I’m hoping to approve Unison for publication this month. For the fourth pass, I’m going to have my husband read it to pick up errors I missed the last time through. If it’s one lesson I’ve learned through my publication experience is that it takes a lot of energy, persistence and patience to do it all on your own. Through this process, I’ve developed a deeper respect and admiration for indie authors and am honored to be part of such an impassioned group. I don’t regret my decision to go indie…even as I’m tempted to throw my book against the wall out of frustration! With my short attention span I  rarely watch the same movie or read the same book more than once and forget about me sitting in a movie theater! By that description alone, I’m sure most of you can see I’ve passed my threshold of patience long ago. So when someone tells you you’ll be sick and tired of your novel by the time it’s ready for publication, they’re not exaggerating.

This move has added to my stress level. Today, I’m typing on my new wicker desk, and yesterday I got over-emotional over a refrigerator. I meditated to calm myself from getting worked up over something so non-sensical and unimportant. I then had  a good laugh at myself when I  reflected back on the day’s events. If it’s one thing I learned during my spiritual practice is that the Universe has a sense of humor, and most of the times I get the joke and laugh along.

Writing also helps calm me. No matter how stressed I get, each time I sit down to work, everything that aggravated me disappears, which is why I see writing as another form of meditation.

Regarding the tedium of proofreading, what keeps me going is this simple truth:  no matter what you do in life, there will always be several aspects of your work that’s undesirable. If you manage to get through them, the reward will be the output of your  hard work and dedication. It’ll make you relate to this quote I’m ending with:

“When the last page of the first draft is the most enjoyable moment in writing. It’s one of the most enjoyable moments in life, period.”  Nicholas Sparks

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One Response to Maintaining a Writing Schedule During a Move

  1. Eleni,
    Such devotion and dedication are hard to maintain during the stress of a move. I don’t know if I could maintain the writing schedule – but as you inferred, it could also serve as your connection to sanity!

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