Bloghopping From North America To Asia

This post is part of a bloghop. Peggy Payne recruited me, and you can check out the answers to her questions here. I feel so privileged to have met so many wonderful authors from all around the world. Below, you’ll find the links to the authors who will be answering the same questions.

I’d also like to mention that all the formatting issues of Unison have been taken care of, and this incarnation of the book is my vision brought to life…finally!


What is the working title of your book or project?

Unison, which is Book One of the Spheral Series.


Where did the idea come from for the book or project?

Unison started off as a screenplay entitled, The Cabin. I intended it as an indie feature with only four characters and two settings.  As it’s hard to break into the screenwriting business, I wanted to ensure my stories would have an audience. I decided the best way to make it happen would be to write The Cabin in novel form. When I included a prop from a different screenplay, the story grew into an epic. I changed the title to Unison,  and the screenplay  from where I borrowed the prop  is now the outline for book four of The Spheral Series. I always dreamt of writing a series, and it happened without any planning. The writing life can be serendipitous!


What genre does it fall under, if any?

It falls under visionary fiction with the sub-genres of science fiction, quantum fiction and Libertarian fiction.


If applicable, who would you choose to play your characters in a movie?

Unison is way too long for a movie, but it would make a great mini-series. When I envisioned the characters, I used pictures of non-famous people. However, Nikola Tesla inspired my  protagonist for his mind, and Ibn Battuta, for his love of exploration. I can see Josh Holloway as the lead and  Christina Ricci as his love interest.  What an interesting pair! U.G. Krishnamurti (shown here during his younger years)  inspired the character of Vivek because of his  charisma and the spirited way he challenged people’s belief systems. Alexander Siddig of Deep Space Nine would make an excellent Vivek.  Ooh, I can just picture it so clearly.  Sci-Fi Channel, I’m ready to negotiate a deal for a mini-series!

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your manuscript or project?

A man is condemned to relive his life until he uncovers a suppressed memory.


Will your book or story be self-published or represented by an agency?

Self-published. I have a vision of how this series must play out, and I like to have creative freedom…although I wouldn’t turn down a hybrid publishing deal. It’s the best of both worlds.


How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

The first draft took two  months to write. At 136,000 words,  the editing and polishing took two years to complete.


What other book or stories would you compare this story to within the genre?

Imagine Atlas Shrugged that champions the individual’s mind and all it can achieve when unbound; the Stand, that promotes strength of faith and will, and A Brave New World, where the individual is controlled by drugs and distraction. Throw them all together and you have Unison!  


Who or what inspired you to write this book or story?

My kundalini awakening that happened over fifteen years ago led me on a spiritual journey that challenged my mind, body and spirit to the breaking point.  I survived and needed to find a way to outwardly express the lessons I learned through my visions and experiences.  For me, the main focus of  life is to experience and see it for the beauty that it is, even among the ugliness. That’s what I try to demonstrate in my books…that no matter how tragic a situation may seem, a strength of will can save us. This is particularly apparent in Unison. I view the series as a gift that was given to me to pass on to the world.  It was a challenge to write and still is, but I intend on getting it all out because I want to see how it ends!


What else about the book or story might pique the reader’s interest?

It has an exciting storyline and strong characters with  a spiritual theme nestled underneath that will leave readers uplifted and might even bring out some inner-truths.


Next on the Bloghop:

Sandy Nathan – Author of Tales from Earth’s End: The Angel & the Brown-Eyed Boy, Lady Grace, and Sam & Emil

Adite Banerjie – Will discuss her up-and-coming debut novel for Harlequin Mills & Boon

Joanna Gawn and Ron Dickerson The Cordello Quest

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5 Responses to Bloghopping From North America To Asia

  1. It’s great to read more about Unison and the Spheral series, Eleni, and also to discover more of what led you to this point.

    I’m pleased to hear that your formatting issues have been resolved, too!

    Thanks for inviting us to take part in this bloghop. We’ll be publishing ours next week if all goes to plan! :)

  2. Eleni says:

    I’m looking forward to reading it!

  3. Eleni,
    Your one sentence synopsis is so intriguing and captures so much of your story’s essence. Well done!

  4. Pingback: Blog Hop for Authors | aditebanerjie

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